Touchmark at the Ranch Pickleball Club


Touchmark Pickleball Club Information

Current pickleball session times
Cancellation notifications
Videos explaining the kitchen rules
Official pickleball rules
Touchmark pickleball court rules
Pickleball equipment tips and tricks
Map to Pioneer Park, Prescott

What are your current pickleball session times?

Please check our Home page for the current meeting schedule. We do occasionally change days and hours depending on the time of year and the ability of our members to attend sessions. In addition, weather conditions (usually in the winter) will cause us to cancel scheduled sessions.

How will we find out if sessions have been cancelled due to the weather or other factors?

The decision to cancel sessions will be made about one hour prior to the scheduled start time. Last-minute changes will be emailed to those on our mailing list. To be placed on that list please use the Contact Us form.

To help you determine possible cancellation, here is the information that Touchmark uses to decide if the lightning is striking too close for safety. Thunder at TPAZ or a lightning strike within 20 miles are the basic criteria for closure.

National Weather Service radar

Lightning maps

What are some of the rules about being in the kitchen?

There can be a lot of confusion about the rules surrounding "the Kitchen" or "the No Volley Zone". Here are three videos each of which has a different approach to explaining this important issue.

What is the No Volley Zone (or Kitchen) Rule in Pickleball?

The Most Complete Pickleball Non Volley Zone Rule Video

Three Myths about Being in the Kitchen (humorous)

Where can I find the official pickleball rules?

Official pickleball rules (effective January 2022)
A more understandable summary of the rules

What are the rules when playing on the Touchmark pickleball courts?

The Touchmark court rules and accompanying safety information are available.

Court rules and safety info

What are some pickleball equipment tips and tricks?

Here's some exercise equipment that you might find interesting. It's a web hand exerciser that has been beneficial to players recovering from an injury. There are many different versions and if you want some additional information please check with Connie the next time you see her on the courts.

I'll bet you don't know what that seemingly extra shoelace hole on your court shoes is for. It's designed for something called a "runner's knot" which allows you to quickly tighten your shoes without tugging on all the laces trying to remove the excess lace length. Check out this page at REI for a quick and easy explanation.

And if that lacing page isn't complicated enough, take a look at this page from RunRepeat which features 12 different ways to lace up your shoes to meet a particular need.

How do I get to Pioneer Park, Prescott?

Map to Pioneer Park

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